Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



Senior Instructor.
Department of Fundamentals of Architecture and Artistic Communications.
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering;
Associate Professor,
Department of Fundamentals of Architecture,
Moscow Architectural Institute.
ORCID 0000-0003-1224-3598

Russia, Moscow, e-mail: apignatova@gmail.com


Ignatova Alexandra P.
An experimental method of composing complex spatial constructions based on graphic and spatial compositions

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (81) March, 2023

The purpose of this study was to identify patterns and relationships between the mockup and graphic methods of architectural composition development. Using as an example experimental exercises in the creation and interpretation of architectural composition artistic images through planar and spatial constructions, the article emphasizes the importance of taking an integrated approach to the application of means and techniques of artistic expression in design problem solving. Such an integrated approach and interconnectedness of architectural image ideation is highly relevant in the current context.

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Ignatova, A.P. An experimental method of composing complex spatial constructions based on graphic and spatial compositions [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №1(81). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2023_1/32/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_1(81)_32

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