Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



PhD. (Architecture and Urban Planning),
Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism,
Perm National Research Polytechnic University,

Russia, Perm, e-mail: e.saveleva@pstu.ru


Savelyeva Ekaterina O., Belyakova Darya P.
Context-oriented design of the historical urban environment using neural networks

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (89) March, 2024

This article explores the possibilities of using neural networks in the process of designing the reconstruction of a historical urban environment. When renovating historical areas, there is often a challenge to maintain a balance between preserving authenticity and meeting modern requirements for comfortable urban spaces. The article discusses the context-based approach to design and its evolution with the advent of artificial intelligence technology. The authors present a review and analysis of open neural networks for practical application in the field of designing the improvement of historical places, highlighting promising approaches and tools, and assessing the advantages and limitations of the neural networks considered. In conclusion, the importance of modern technologies such as neural networks for preserving and enriching cultural heritage is emphasized, as well as their role in creating more sustainable and harmonious urban environments.

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Savelyeva, E.O., Belyakova, D.P. Context-oriented design of the historical urban environment using neural networks //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2025. – №1(89). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2025_1/20/  – DOI: https://doi.org/10.47055/19904126_2025_1(89)_20 

Savelyeva Ekaterina O.
Historical contexts for the emergence of various types of city plans in the major regional centers of Russia

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (82) June, 2023

This paper examines the plans of the major Russian cities with a population over one million and their evolution over time. Special emphasis is placed on the Soviet period of urbanization, which had a significant impact on the direction of their territorial growth. The study retraces the evolution of the cities’ spatial organization from the foundation to the present day and identifies common characteristics of their urban development since the 1920s. The specific contexts that determined the planning structure of each of these cities are considered according to one of three types: compact, discrete, or extended.

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Savelyeva, E.O. Historical contexts for the emergence of various types of city plans in the major regional centers of Russia [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №2(82). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2023_2/15/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_2(82)_15

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