Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



Doctoral Student, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies.
Research supervisor:  Professor N.P. Kradin, Doctor of Architecture.
Pacific National University.

Russia, Khabarovsk, e-mail: 2021100499@pnu.edu.ru


Frolova Natalia A., Kradin Nikolay P.
Sidimi, a dacha village in Ussuri: architectural and planning features

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (84) December, 2023

Sidimi (Sidemi, now Bezverkhovo) in Primorye region is the only surviving (though ruined) complex of country estates in the south of the Russian Far East dating back to the turn of 20th century. Other estates and dacha villages in the region were destroyed or have survived as isolated buildings. Our study of the history of Sidimi and its architectural and planning features helps understand the concept of Far Eastern country architecture. It combines eastern and western stylistic traditions, new architectural trends of the early 20th century and their adaptation to the unique lifestyle in Ussuri taiga.

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Frolova, N.A., Kradin, N.P. Sidimi, a dacha village in Ussuri: architectural and planning features //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №4(84). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2023_4/15/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_4(84)_15

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