Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
Professor at the Higher School of Architecture and Urban Planning
Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design.
Pacific State University.

Russia, Khabarovsk, e-mail: 003795@pnu.edu.ru


Ordynskaya Yulia V., Dyachkova Lyudmila G.
Formation of trade spaces in Khabarovsk: from the Chinese bazaar to the socio-cultural field

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (85) March, 2024

The publication provides a detailed presentation of historical transformation of the retail street spaces in Khabarovsk since its foundation. The authors define local zones, provide a typology of retail facilities within the city, and identify current trends in the formation of retail trade zones arising the course of historical development. A cartographic analysis of open-air retail trade spaces is carried out. An attempt is made to classify historical stages in the evolution of the city’s retail environment supported by a typological and cartographic analysis of the objects under study. It is claimed that problems associated with the location of shopping zones, caused not only by the city's planning structure but also by the conceptual treatment of retail facility forms, determine the current state of the built environment and require solutions using urban planning modeling of retail trade organization in the city.

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Ordynskaya, Yu.V., Dyachkova L.G. Formation of trade spaces in Khabarovsk: from the Chinese bazaar to the socio-cultural field //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2024. – №1(85). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2024_1/17/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2024_1(85)_17

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