Аssistant professor,
Department of Architecture and Design, Polytechnic Institute,
Far Eastern Federal University,
Tolkacheva Albina A.
Siberian Naval Crew in Vladivostok
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (89) March, 2024
The article is devoted to the history of the design and construction of the Siberian Naval Crew, a complex of buildings for servicemen of the Siberian Military Flotilla in Vladivostok. The architectural objects were built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century according to the designs of engineers of the Marine Construction Corps serving in the Management of Ports of the Eastern Ocean. Currently, there are no publications on architectural activities, participants and results of the Construction part of the Eastern Ocean Ports Authority. This study covers archival materials (design and text documents) from the stocks of the Russian Navy (Russian State Archive of the Navy), periodicals, and field research. Previously unknown facts about the professional activities of the Marine Corps engineers, designers and builders are revealed.
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Tolkacheva Albina A.
Architectural activity in the structure of the Vladivostok city government: the beginning of the 20TH century
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (84) December, 2023
The architectural activities of Vladivostok’s municipal government (city council and management) can be divided into two chronological intervals. The initial stage (1875-1898), considered by the author elsewhere, was a period of organization and appointment of the first city architect and definition of his duties, surveying and landscaping of the city’s central area, and construction of the first stone public and residential buildings for the civilian population. This publication continues the study of the planning, design and construction activities of Vladivostok’s municipal architects and engineers from the early 20th century until the revolutionary events of 1917. A characteristic feature of the time under consideration is periods of decline in design and construction (1898-1905); and activation in 1906-1917, directly related to events in the city, region, and the world. The study examines objects erected by the municipal authorities and city management structure, and presents a list of city architects, engineers and technicians. The publication is based on information from the Commemorative Books of the Primorye Region, early 20th century periodicals of Vladivostok, and funds of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East.
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Tolkacheva, A.A. Architectural activity in the structure of the Vladivostok city government: the beginning of the 20TH century //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №4(84). – URL: – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_4(84)_10
Tolkacheva Albina A.,
Likhansky Yury I.
Professional activities of architect alexander A. Gvozdziovsky
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (83) September 2023
The article is devoted to the professional architectural activities of the architect Alexander A. Gvozdziovsky. Despite his fourteen-year practice in the Far East, the existing publications about the architect contained but scarce information about his education and position at the Construction Department. A comprehensive study was carried out, covering project documents and archival materials (the Russian State Historical Archive, the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East, the Central State Historical Archive of St. Petersburg), and periodicals of the late 19th - early 20th century (newspapers "Vladivostok" and "Vladivostok Diocese Vedomosti", magazine "Builder"). The scientific novelty of the work lies in the discovery of previously unknown facts about the biography and professional activities of the architect in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok, including information on his academic period, multidimensional activities as regional architect at the Construction Department of the Primorsky Regional Board, and private architectural practice. We performed an architectural and stylistic correlation analysis of architectural objects in St. Petersburg and Vladivostok erected with the participation of or following the architect's designs.
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Tolkacheva, A.A. Likhansky, Yu.I. Professional activities of architect alexander A. Gvozdziovsky //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №3(83). – URL: – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_3(83)_14
Tolkacheva Albina A.
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (74) June, 2021
The article is concerned with design and construction activities within the structure of the city duma (parliament) and city administration during the first decade after the establishment of Vladivostok City government. In particular, it considers the influence of the municipal authorities on general plan development, improvement of Vladivostok streets, and design and construction of important engineering structures and public buildings in this seaport city at the end of the 19th century. The city architects of the period under review are listed, and chief architect’s work is characterized. The publication is largely based on archival information from the collections of the RSIA DV (Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East) and the resolutions of the Vladivostok City Duma.
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Tolkacheva A.A. ARCHITECTURAL ACTIVITY WITHIN THE STRUCTURE OF THE VLADIVOSTOK CITY GOVERNMENT: THE INITIAL STAGE [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2021. – №2(74). – URL: – doi: 10.47055/1990-4126-2021-2(74)-11
Tolkacheva Albina A.,
Likhansky Yury I.
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (73) March, 2021
The article is devoted to the history of the architecture of pre-revolutionary Vladivostok and, in particular, its ecclesiastical consistory, the administrative office of the diocese. The publication is largely based on archival material from the Russian State Historical Archive. Specifically, it considers two unrealized designs for the consistory dating back to 1899 and 1910, including the spatial planning of the buildings as appearing in the available drawings and the stylistic treatment proposed by the architects for the Spiritual Department. Correlation is established between the composition of the 1910 design and the 1912 actual building. The scientific novelty of this contribution consists in the discovery and analysis of previously unknown drawings relating to Vladivostok’s ecclesiastical consistory and the episcopal office and of facts about the professional activities of the military engineer I.V. Meshkov, civil engineer I. S. Baginov and architect-engineer G. R. Junghändel.
The article seeks to familiarize the scientific community with the archival drawings and architectural history of the Spiritual Consistory and elucidate the involvement of well-known Vladivostok architects in its design and construction, thus contributing to the historical information about the architectural heritage of Vladivostok.
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Tolkacheva A.A., Likhansky Yu.I. THE SPIRITUAL CONSISTORY IN VLADIVOSTOK: ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTS AND IMPLEMENTATION [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2021. – №1(73). – URL: – doi: 10.47055/1990-4126-2021-1(73)-11
Tolkacheva Albina A.
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (64) December, 2018
The article recalls the history of construction of the Vladivostok Commercial School called «Star» designed by S.A.Vincent, a civil engineer at Chinese Eastern Railway. The publication is based on data from the Vladivostok Commercial School report for 1913-1914 and archival sources. The scholarly novelty of this material lies in the discovery of previously unknown facts about the creation of the school’s architectural environment that met the standards and requirements of the early 20th century such as appropriate siting of the building and complex excavation at the site to generate a good schoolyard; increased recreational space within the building; number of stories and number and layout of all premises, especially laboratories and classrooms; suitable areas of the building to accommodate 400 students and classes for 40 students. Special attention was given to insolation, improved lighting of the classrooms and recreational facilities, plans, and interior colors. The purpose of the article is to make researchers aware of the facts relating to the competition for the project and the comprehensive approach to the design and construction of the commercial school in the city, thereby adding historical and information evidence to ensure conservation of this architectural heritage in Vladivostok.
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Tolkacheva A.A. THE HISTORY OF CREATION OF THE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL IN VLADIVOSTOK [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2018. – №4(64). – URL:
Tolkacheva Albina A.
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (62) June, 2018
The article is devoted to the professional activities of the civil engineer Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fedorov, graduate of Nicholas I Institute of Civil Engineers (IGI). The publication is largely based on archival records of the RGIA DV (the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East) and TsGIA SPb (the Central State Historical Archive of St.-Petersburg). The research novelty of this material consists in the discovery of previously unknown facts in the biography and architectural activities of A.Fedorov in St.-Petersburg, Vladivostok and other cities. Information is presented on the buildings and structures designed and constructed by this engineer in the early 20th century, such as the Havana Town in St.-Petersburg and the Japanese consulate in Vladivostok.
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Tolkacheva A.A. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE CIVIL ENGINEER VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVICH FEDOROV [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2018. – №2(62). – URL:
Tolkacheva Albina A.
Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (54) June, 2016
The article is devoted to the biography of the talented Vladivostok architect George R. Junghandel and discusses the buildings constructed by the architect in Vladivostok in the early 20th century. Information about the professional and social activities of the architect from the collections of the Russian state historical archive (RGIA) and Russian state historical archive of the Far East (RGIA DF) is provided.
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Tolkacheva A.A. THE ARCHITECT GEORGE JUNGHANDEL AND HIS WORK IN VLADIVOSTOK [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2016. – №2(54). – URL:
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