Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



PhD student. 
Research supervisor: Professor G.M. Brenkova, PhD. (Art Studies),
Ural State Academy of Architecture and Arts,

Russia, Yekaterinburg, e-mail: lons_smm@mail.ru


Lonshakova Marina M.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (43) September, 2013

The article considers the systems of relationships between propaedeutics and designing in graphic design, its components and structure, meaningful visual images and plastic features of 2D and 3D structures on the plane through the use of composition laws and means in developing objects of design in the area of graphic design. The article is a continuation of the work to systematize categories of composition by regular features. It reviews relationships between the laws of composition that define the principles of form generation and the means of harmonisation of art forms, which allow us to reveal the properties of compositions, means and ways of formation of semantic foundations in the communicative means, which are the creative toolkit of the graphic designer. Application of laws and means of composition at various stages is considered: The application of laws at different stages and directions of design are considered in relation to functional design, which uses the laws of integrity, balance, typification and the means of harmonisation that are inherent in them, and in relation to art design in the expression of plans, operating the laws of dominants, contrasts, and expressiveness.

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Lonshakova M.M. PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PROPAEDEUTICS AND DESIGNING IN GRAPHIC DESIGN [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2013. – №3(43). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2013_3/17 

Lonshakova Marina M.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (39) September, 2012

The reason for revisiting the existing and constantly developing system has become the developing theoretical methodology of propaedeutics setting new landmarks for achieving design goals. The article considers a somewhat different point of view concerning structural interrelations in the system «propaedeutics – designing» in industrial design, and its components.

In spite of the fact that there exist systematised expositions of the theory and methodology of propaedeutics, neither propaedeutics nor design have ever been considered as a system of interrelations exposing types, patterns and principles of such interrelations. The purpose of this study is thus to systematize the categories of composition by regular features and to analyse relations between the law of composition that determine principles of form generation and means of harmonisation of art forms, which present a toolkit of creative activity, form aesthetic qualities and properties of industrial products, and reflect inter-dependencies in the existing system.

This study of principles of interrelations in the system «propaedeutics – designing» suggests the following regularities.

1. The principles of formal logic established by Bauhaus and VHUTEMAS, the first schools of design, found their way into modern methodology of propaedeutics and design and help identify regularities in the development of composition structures, being still relevant, although needing some adjustment.

2. The structuring of laws of composition by certain features reveals their certain function and role in the formation of aesthetic qualities in the object designed, with the emergence of a regular system of links between the laws and means of composition and organisation of co-ordinated and temporally sustainable relationships.

3. The componental and structural analysis of principles of interrelations in the system «propaedeutics – designing» in industrial design makes it possible to identify additional components and examine internal links between its elements through the laws that determine principles of form generation and means of their artistic harmonisation.

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Lonshakova M.M. PRINCIPLES OF INTERRELATION BETWEEN PROPAEDEUTICS AND INDUSTRIAL DESIGN PRACTICE [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2012. – №3(39). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2012_3/10 

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