Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



PhD student,
Institute of Architecture and Art Southern Federal University

Russia, Rostov-on-Don


Panchenko Pavel V.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (33) March, 2011

The advent of new sports disciplines, the rapidly growing number of people who go in for winter sports and technical advancements have led to the construction of new types of alpine skiing resort.

This article presents a review of the architecture of alpine skiing complexes and development trends in it.

Based on literature review and field studies, we propose a classification of alpine skiing complexes by spatial planning solution. This classification includes the following types of sports structures: open alpine skiing complex, semi-open multipurpose alpine skiing complex, and covered multipurpose alpine skiing complex.

In terms of type of arrangement of the central core, we have identified the following layouts of alpine skiing complexes: linear, parallel, and complex.

A review of semi-opened and covered alpine skiing complexes suggested two principal trends in present-day architectural practice: bionic and functionalist.

The history of alpine skiing complexes includes three stages. At the first stage, open seasonal alpine skiing resorts were set up (early 20th century). The second stage is associated with the development of semi-open alpine skiing resorts (mid-20th century), and the third stage with the emergence of covered alpine skiing complexes (late 20th century).

For flat terrains in the south of Russia, our suggestion is compact covered alpine skiing complexes with well-developed functions and a minimum skiing course of 500 m. For professional training and contests, the optimal length of the alpine skiing course should be 700 m.

Today, advanced (in terms of architecture and construction) alpine skiing complexes are acquiring the role of major sports centres.

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Panchenko P.V. SPECIFIC FEATURES IN ARCHITECTTURAL DESIGN OF ALPINE SKIING RESORTS [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2011. – №1(33). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2011_1/2 

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