Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



PhD student. 
Research supervisor: Professor S.P. Zavarikhin. 
Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering,

Russia, St. Petersburg


Grigoryev Alexander A.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (34) June, 2011

Considering the architecture of functionalism in terms of formal expression, we can distinguish two principal directions. The first one, "basic", goes back to Le Corbusier and operates more rational forms, the second one, "romantic" and constructivist, embodies the expressive potency of the functional method. Freed from the ideology of ‘life creation’, neofunctionalist architecture received wide development as a formal aesthetics system, yet retaining the fundamental two-part structure. This article focuses on the specifics of neoconstructivist form generation in architecture representing the greatest wealth of spatial forms.

It is established that the richness of forms in neoconstructivism is based on the forms of the neofunctionalism’s base line but develops further their formal characteristics thereby going beyond the "traditional" neofunctionalist formula: a simple volume and an active facade. This article describes two levels of enrichment: the whole spatial form and the façade plane. Thus. at the level of the building, we can identify frame structures creating rich spatial solutions which are not connected with the architecture of interior spaces, and "vanishing" volumes, i.e. buildings in the architecture of which glazing plays a significant role. Also, the article presents 5 basic methods for enriching the façade, including layering, arrangement of overhang planes, a second enclosure, cutting planes, and provision of slot-niches.

The baroque richness of neofunctionalist forms is based on different combinations and variations of the above techniques. At the same time, the active expressiveness of neoconstructivist projects determines their role as architectural landmarks, mainly as the architecture of socially significant buildings, which are in contrast with the environment.

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Grigoryev A.A. NEOCONSTRUCTIVISM: TECHNIQUES OF PLASTIC AND SPATIAL ENRICHMENT OF FORM [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2011. – №2(34). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2011_2/2 

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