Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



PhD. (Architecture), Associate Professor,
Head of Urban Planning Department,
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction.

Russia, Penza, e-mail: heruvim-arch@mail.ru


Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Kheruvimova Irina A.
A brief thesaurus on the evolution of the theory of landscaping of urbanized systems

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (81) March, 2023

There are three periods identified in the development of the theory of landscaping as part of the large and largest city ecosystems in Russia: 1) 1917-1965 – the paradigm of socialist garden city; 2) 1965-2000 – the emergence of urban ecology; 3) the 21st century – the beginning of a biosphere-compatible approach to urban planning. Each period is given a brief socio-economic characteristic with the outlining of the existential nation-wide problems solved by the state. The relationship between the demands of society and the theory of urban system landscaping is shown. The principles underlying the formation of eco-frames and green belts are outlined. The conditions and outcomes of landscaping theory development are shown to be different in socialist society relative to capitalism. It is demonstrated what the modern methods of naturalistic and total gardening are essentially about. An analysis of urban landscaping systems within the structures of city master plans is provided. Urban planning trends in the development of dendrology in urbanized systems are identified.

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Ziyatdinov, Z.Z., Kheruvimova, I.A. A brief thesaurus on the evolution of the theory of landscaping of urbanized systems [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №1(81). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2023_1/23/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_1(81)_23

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Mihalcheva Svetlana G., Kheruvimova Irina A., Ziyatdinov Timur Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (70) June, 2020

The concepts "morphotype of residential development" and "second home" are defined. Morphotypes of residential development are distinguished by three characteristics: social order, residential unit’s living space per family member, and weighted average time spent on travelling from place of residence to socially most significant areas of the city. Overall, 17 housing morphotypes have been identified, including five types of second housing. The percentage of each type of housing in the total number of residential units in the city is determined. A graph showing growth in the number of garden houses in Penza since the second half of the twentieth century is presented. A diagram of increase in the weighted average number of storeys in residential buildings is provided for some Russian cities. Urban development trends and dependencies in the evolution of the morphological types of urban residential development are revealed, including: permanent growth in living space per family member, globalization and loss of national identity of residential development morphotypes in the late twentieth century, continuing growth in the number of second homes, etc.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z., Mihalcheva S.G., Kheruvimova I.A., Ziyatdinov T.Z. MORPHOTYPES OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE STRUCTURE OF A LARGE CITY [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2020. – №2(70). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2020_2/10 

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