Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126

Manuscript submission and review

  1. We accept for consideration articles written in accordance with the requirements established by the journal. The editors reserve the right to accept a manuscript for publication even if it does not comply with the Requirements.
  2. Authors receive notice of receipt of their manuscript within 7 days.
  3. Before sending a manuscript to reviewers, it is checked by the editors for plagiarism in the Antiplagiat program. Manuscripts are reviewed by specialists from Russian universities. Manuscript editing (scientific, stylistic, technical) is carried out by the editors of the journal in accordance with the requirements of VAK (State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Russian Federation) for scientific publications.
  4. If the Antiplagiat program detects generated text, the article is rejected.
  5. The editors reserve the right to either reject the manuscript without review or return it for re-writing or improvement. If an article does not meet the requirements (for subject area, scientific level, novelty, depth of research, formal aspects), the author is sent a reasoned refusal with a copy of the review attached. The name of the reviewer can be disclosed to the author only with the reviewer’s consent.
  6. The author of a manuscript is notified of the result of review, whether positive or negative, with a copy of the review attached.
  7. Upon revision, the article is sent to the reviewer for re-review.
  8. The average time for reviewing a manuscript is 3 weeks.
  9. The share of rejected manuscripts from the total number received in the current issue is 35%.
  10. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes and literary corrections to the text of the manuscript without distorting its contents.
  11. The views of the authors and editors may be different; in this case, a footnote to the article can be made.
  12. Articles are published in the order of their receipt by the editors. If an article is sent to its author(s) for revision, the date of receipt will be the date the revised article is returned to the editorial office.
  13. An issue of the journal cannot contain more than two articles of one author.
  14. The editorial office keeps original articles, edited and proofread, in its archives for minimum 5 years (as an official document) with reviews attached, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Mandatory Copy of Documents” No. 77-FZ of December 29, 1994.
  15. Copies of the reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon request.
  16. Manuscripts of articles and magnetic media are not returned to their authors.
  17. There is no fee for the publication of manuscripts.
  18. Article publication is regulated by an offer contract.

Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                          Liudmila P. Kholodova