Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Head of the Department of Vocational Education, Pedagogy and Sociology.
Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1864-7876 

Russia, Kazan, e-mail: safin@kgasu.ru


Romanova Anna I., Faizrakhmanova Guzel R., Safin Rais S., Nikonova Svetlana I.
The potential of architecture and art for public recreational space organization in educational institutions

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (87) September 2024

The article discusses the main directions of innovative design used to develop projects for public and recreational spaces in creativity universities taking into account their specifics. The concept of a social and recreational space is defined as possessing the potential for providing both educational and creative opportunities to students of architecture and art universities. The leading directions in this type of design are the concept of a “third place”, “biophilic” design associated with the paradigm of sustainable development, and the concept of transformable space. Advanced foreign and domestic design techniques and methods for creating multifunctional spaces that have the qualities of friendliness, psycho-emotional and physical comfort are analyzed.

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Romanova, A.I., Faizrakhmanova, G.R., Safin, R.S., Nikonova, S.I. The potential of architecture and art for public recreational space organization in educational institutions //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2024. – №3(87). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2024_3/19/  – doi: https://doi.org/10.47055/19904126_2024_3(87)_19 

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