Ural State University of Architecture and Art

ISSN 1990-4126



PhD. (Architecture), Associate Professor,
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction;
Chief Architect ООО «Formula»,

Russia, Penza, e-mail: z.uf@yandex.ru


Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.
Differentiation of design solutions according to architectural and artistic criteria

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (88) December, 2024

The paper proposes a classification of buildings and structures into levels by the criterion of whether their design solutions contain such architectural and artistic qualities as architectural idea, artistic image and integrity of architectural composition. In total, four levels of construction have been identified. At the lower first level, the utilitarian-functional approach prevails, where the shell of the building body strictly follows the function and carries no artistic meaning. The second level is decoration or embellishment, when patterns, mantles and decor are superimposed on the object. At the next level, work concerns the form: the exterior express the units or program, cantilevered spaces, offset volumes (left-right, up-down, forward-inwards), various surface finishes. The highest level is when the volume conveys an architectural idea, an artistic idea, and all the composition techniques and means work to reveal it.

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Ziyatdinov, Z.Z. Differentiation of design solutions according to architectural and artistic criteria //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2024. – №4(88). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2024_4/3/  – doi: https://doi.org/10.47055/19904126_2024_4(88)_3 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Mihalcheva Svetlana G.
Housing morphology dynamics in a large city in the period 2000-2022

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (81) March, 2023

The concept of "residential building morphotype" is defined. The latest morphological types of the 21st century housing in a large Russian city are identified. The characteristics of these morphotypes are shown in their dynamics: evolution periods, construction expansion potential, locations in city structure, and the share in urban housing stock. The social needs for each of the morphotypes are assessed. The urban planning tendencies influencing the formation of building morphotypes in the 2st century are identified. Correlation between the emerging housing morphologies and social determinants are shown in relation to the territorial development of large urban districts. The territorial expansion of new residential developments is noted to proceed towards city outskirts and suburban areas. There is evidence of a gap between the declining demand for multi-apartment housing and its growing supply as the volume of housing construction increases against the background of stable or weakly negative population dynamics.

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Ziyatdinov, Z.Z., Mihalcheva, S.G. Housing morphology dynamics in a large city in the period 2000-2022 [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №1(81). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2023_1/3/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_1(81)_3

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Kheruvimova Irina A.
A brief thesaurus on the evolution of the theory of landscaping of urbanized systems

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (81) March, 2023

There are three periods identified in the development of the theory of landscaping as part of the large and largest city ecosystems in Russia: 1) 1917-1965 – the paradigm of socialist garden city; 2) 1965-2000 – the emergence of urban ecology; 3) the 21st century – the beginning of a biosphere-compatible approach to urban planning. Each period is given a brief socio-economic characteristic with the outlining of the existential nation-wide problems solved by the state. The relationship between the demands of society and the theory of urban system landscaping is shown. The principles underlying the formation of eco-frames and green belts are outlined. The conditions and outcomes of landscaping theory development are shown to be different in socialist society relative to capitalism. It is demonstrated what the modern methods of naturalistic and total gardening are essentially about. An analysis of urban landscaping systems within the structures of city master plans is provided. Urban planning trends in the development of dendrology in urbanized systems are identified.

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Ziyatdinov, Z.Z., Kheruvimova, I.A. A brief thesaurus on the evolution of the theory of landscaping of urbanized systems [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2023. – №1(81). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2023_1/23/  – doi: 10.47055/19904126_2023_1(81)_23

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Mihalcheva Svetlana G.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (80) December, 2022

The concept of "club house" is defined. The specifics of club houses in cities in comparison with large cities are shown. The functional program of club houses is determined, which makes it possible to distinguish them as a separate morphological type of residential buildings, including five principal urban planning functions. The basic rules of the club-house architecture language are formulated, and the architectural techniques and solutions that allow their residents to unambiguously interpret the building as a club house are presented. The urban planning solutions of clubhouse locations in the structure of a large city are analyzed. The city of Penza is used as an example to show the logic for estimating the potential volumes of club-house construction in a large urban district. It is noted that the development of club houses is part of the gentrification process, reflects the transformation of housing comfort and urban living environment axiology, and points to demand for an advanced urban policy of housing construction in society.

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Ziyatdinov, Z.Z., Mihalcheva S.G. CLUB HOUSES IN A MAJOR CITY: DEFINITION, PHILOSOPHY, REASONS [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2022. – №4(80). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2022_4/22/  – doi: 10.47055/1990-4126-2022-4(80)-22

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Churlyaev Boris A.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (71) September, 2020

‘Design in architecture’ is defined as a notion in the Russian language. Two points of view on design in architecture are summarized. Variations of design in architecture are presented. Architecture and design in architecture are shown to be essentially different. Four groups of characteristics are considered: the scientific and methodological framework, professional mindset, subject-specific formal aspects, and socio-cultural essentials. The emergence of the professional term "design" is traced back. The powers, prerogatives, remits, applications and domains of design as part of architecture in the first quarter of the 21st century are clearly outlined. The origins of architectural design are defined and contradictions between design and architecture are shown. The period and main purpose of design in architecture and the specifics of form-making in design relative to architecture are revealed. The problem of extra-contextual inclusion of design objects into historical urban environments is highlighted.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z., Churlyaev B.A. IDENTIFICATION OF DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, ESSENCE AND FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2020. – №3(71). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2020_3/2/ . – doi: 10.47055/1990-4126-2020-3(71)-2

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Mihalcheva Svetlana G., Kheruvimova Irina A., Ziyatdinov Timur Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (70) June, 2020

The concepts "morphotype of residential development" and "second home" are defined. Morphotypes of residential development are distinguished by three characteristics: social order, residential unit’s living space per family member, and weighted average time spent on travelling from place of residence to socially most significant areas of the city. Overall, 17 housing morphotypes have been identified, including five types of second housing. The percentage of each type of housing in the total number of residential units in the city is determined. A graph showing growth in the number of garden houses in Penza since the second half of the twentieth century is presented. A diagram of increase in the weighted average number of storeys in residential buildings is provided for some Russian cities. Urban development trends and dependencies in the evolution of the morphological types of urban residential development are revealed, including: permanent growth in living space per family member, globalization and loss of national identity of residential development morphotypes in the late twentieth century, continuing growth in the number of second homes, etc.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z., Mihalcheva S.G., Kheruvimova I.A., Ziyatdinov T.Z. MORPHOTYPES OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE STRUCTURE OF A LARGE CITY [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2020. – №2(70). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2020_2/10 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (65) March, 2019

High-rise housing causes the development of horticultural societies, so it is advisable to consider an apartment building in conjunction with the second dwellings of its tenants in the countryside. The article presents the results of calculating the indicators for housing development options: country houses which do not cause the development of the second dwellingon the one hand, and apartment buildings and houses of its tenants in gardening allotments on the other. The calculations have been carried outfor cities with a 100 thousand and 250 thousand population. The comparative analysis takes into account the costs of electricity, heating, cold and hot water supply, domestic wastewater disposal, gas supply, major repairs, private car parking, and gardeningallotment housekeeping. In cities with a population of up to 250 thousand people, it is more cost-efficient to have a homestead than to have an apartment in a multistoried building along with a second home. It is essential to reorient the housing policy of small, medium and large cities to the construction of mainly cottageestate development.

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Ziyatdinov, Z.Z. THE IMPACT OF SECOND HOMES ON THE EFFICIENCYOF RESIDENTIAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2019. – №1(65). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2019_1/15 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Ziyatdinov Timur Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (65) March, 2019

Juxtaposition is singled out as an independent method of scientific research. The application of juxtaposition analysis is illustrated by the examples of second dwelling urban planning studies. The fundamental differences between comparison and juxtaposition are presented in a tabulated form. Comparative analysis is used when it is necessary to compare a number of objects against specific criteria, and rank and classify them. Juxtaposition involves two operational and methodological stages. The first stage is the preparation of an information thesaurus on the problem by collecting data from different sources. The second stage is to obtain new synergetic information and conclusions through operations withthe thesaurus information. Juxtaposition analysis has the characteristics of a scientific method: universal applicability, operational and methodological definiteness, and verifiability of results.

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Ziyatdinov, T.Z., Ziyatdinov, Z.Z.JUXTAPOSITION ANALYSIS IN URBAN PLANNING STUDIES OF SECOND HOME DEVELOPMENT//Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2019. – №1(65). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2019_1/14 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Sharonova Veronika G.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (64) December, 2018

The concept of «historical and cultural objects» is defined. It is shown how these objects influence the enrichment of the appearance of rural settlements: diversity of the habitat, temporal depth and spirit of the era in architectural heritage. The problems of functioning of historical and architectural objects in rural settlements are revealed: self-destruction, lack of awareness of their role and importance for the architecture of rural settlements, construction of new extensions and structures which are architecturally discordant with the existing style, construction of blind fences around land plots. Foreign experiences in the conservation of historical and architectural heritage by allowing city residents to use them as second dwellings are considered. Solutions to the problem of conservation and revitalization of historical and architectural heritage in rural settlements are shown.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z., Sharonova V.G. THE INFLUENCE OF ARCHITECTURAL HERTIAGE ON THE FORMATION OF RURAL SETTLEMENTS APPEARANCE [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2018. – №4(64). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2018_4/5 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z., Ziyatdinov Timur Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (63) September, 2018

The variability and complexity of transport infrastructure transformations are increasing along an exponential trajectory. Motorization growth rates in a large city over a 12-year period are given. The dynamics in passenger traffic on public bus and trolleybus routes and personal cars is revealed. An urban transport system modernization scheme in a 21st century city is presented. The trend towards decrease in passenger traffic on public transport and its increase in private cars is considered. Measures to optimize the organization of road traffic are listed. The bus accommodates 116 passengers and is 14 times smaller than the road area compared with cars carrying 116 passengers including the driver. The renovation of the transport system has led to an increase in the average passenger traffic speed to 23.24 km/h during peak hours. Tendencies in large city transport infrastructures and town-planning effects of transport system renovation are identified.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z., Ziyatdinov T.Z. DEVELOPMENT OF PENZA TRANSPORT SYSTEM IN THE 21st CENTURY [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2018. – №3(63). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2018_3/6 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (63) September, 2018

The scale of territorial expansion of horticultural areas in Russia’s settlement systems is shown. The main directions of influence of second home development on the formation of city planning structures of different levels are highlighted. The article presents the results of a survey in 65 urban and rural settlements and second homes developed in their peripheral areas: 1) the proportion of families with a second home with a plot of land relative to the number of families living in apartment buildings, farmstead developments, and the entire population of the city; 2) the areas of the territories occupied by apartment and detached houses as second homes have been calculated; 3) the average weighted time of travel to work from apartment buildings and second homes have been estimated. Approximations by 7 functions have been carried out and the correlation between the number of residents and the proportion of summer dacha residents relative to all families of the multi-apartment building of a given settlement is investigated.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. THE DEPENDENCE OF SECOND HOME DEVELOPMENT ON THE HOUSING TYPES [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2018. – №3(63). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2018_3/7 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (62) June, 2018

The article investigates the issue of determination of the period, territory, functions and reasons of origin of second homes. The results of Discovery Channel’s experimental study on the feasibility of surviving on a desert island are reviewed. The second homes of the Korowai tribe who have kept a primitive lifestyle till today are analyzed. In the prehistoric world, second homes were temporary shelters during seasonal livelihood procurement campaigns (fishery, hunting), and former first homes abandoned due to the exhaustion of food resources around the settlement and relocation to new sites. With time, the resource potential of the areas around new homes was exhausted, while the ecosystem of the abandoned sites recovered. This determined the nomadic shuttling lifestyle and availability of several homes one of which is intended for living and the others for temporary stay.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. SECOND HOME IN THE PRIHISTORIC WORLD [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2018. – №2(62). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2018_2/12 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (60) December, 2017

The article considers the growth of second homes in some countries since 1970 till the present day. Methodological issues in accounting for the number of second households are outlined, such as lack of a generally accepted definition of the term «second home», differences in the approach to the registration of non-residents’ second homes, transformation of the first and second homes into each other, emergence of new types and forms of second home, etc. Information on absolute and relative numbers of second homes is given in tabulated form and in the form of charts. Trends in the quantitative change in second home development are identified, including continuing growth of the number of second homes and expansion of areas in which they are present, non-uniform and cyclic pattern of the pace of development of second homes, and higher rates of increase in the number of second homes in the developed countries compared with the rates of population growth. A prediction is proposed for the growth of the number of second homes in the world in the short- and mid-term.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. SCOPE AND PACE OF SECOND HOME DEVELOPMENT [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2017. – №4(60). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2017_4/4 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (59) September, 2017

The article shows the scale of second home development in Russia and internationally and establishes relationship between growth in second homes and the economic efficiency of urban planning systems. In some areas, second homes lead to a shortage of vacant sites for development and thus provoke a rise in property and land prices, influence tax rates, change the land allocation balance in regions, affect city general plans, and require one-off and regular investments into erection of structures and development of the engineering and transport infrastructure. Development The cross-border character of second homes leads to an outflow of financial capitals into the countries where non-resident owners have their second homes. An increasing number of second homes of the «flat in the city» type reduces population and main housing density.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. THE IMPACT OF SECOND HOMES ON URBAN PLANNING ECONOMICS [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2017. – №3(59). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2017_3/4 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №1 (45) March, 2014

The article considers areas of distribution, specific architectural and planning concepts, design principles and urban planning aspects for the second home of the "houseboat" type. The author notes the influence of houseboats on the landscapes of coastal areas, provides a classification of floating second homes by a number of features, and presents a list of measures to ensure their safe operation.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. SECOND DWELLING OF «FLOATING HOME» TYPE [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2014. – №1(45). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2014_1/21 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №4 (44) December, 2013

The article considers the planning characteristics of second dwelling of the «Kleingarten» type, its specific features in relation to other types of second dwelling and planning of small gardening settlements in a city context. The author notes the high socio-economic efficiency of small gardens, draws an analogy between German ‘Kleingartens’ and Russian gardening allotments, and demonstrates the expansion of Kleingartens into European countries and beyond.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. PLANNING ASPECTS RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SECOND DWELLING OF THE «KLEINGARTEN» TYPE [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2013. – №4(44). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2013_4/24 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №3 (43) September, 2013

The author reviews statistical data and research findings of some domestic and international authors and argues against the idea of « second home » as a phenomenon that is pertinent exclusively to the urban way of life. Flats and apartments in cities are now actively acquired by residents of the near and far suburbs for the purpose of temporary stay. Many city dwellers move to the countryside and rural areas for permanent residence, using their flats or apartments in the city as their second home. The new functional use of the second home is shown in relation to its arrangement in a city environment. A rapidly increasing number of second homes in the cities reflects dissatisfaction with the current urban living environment and points to the need to change the paradigm of the current city-planning theory.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. A SECOND HOME IN THE CITY [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2013. – №3(43). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2013_3/20 

Ziyatdinov Zufar Z.

Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education №2 (42) June, 2013

Up until today preference in the design of residential housing in small and medium-sized cities has been given to five-storey blocks of flats. The five-storey blocks have not been considered in relation to allotments and country houses surrounding such cities. In small cities, the proportion of home owners who also own a second dwelling among the tenants of blocks of flats is 20–30 % higher than in large and metropolitan cities. A technical and economic comparison has been carried out with regard to nonrecurring and maintenance costs and social outcomes involved in four alternative variants of block of flats. Variant А – 5-storey prefab panel 4-section 60-flat block of flats, Series 90, and second countryside dwellings belonging to the tenants of such 5-storey blocks; variant B – detached single-family one-storey houses, Series 90, on a plot of land of 600-800 sq.m (assuming that 10% of owners of detached houses would buy an allotment); C – terraced one- or two-storey houses with a smallholding of 300-400 sq.m (55% of such owners would have a second dwelling); D – 9-storey prefab panel 6-section 216-flat blocks of of flats, Series 90 (practically all families in 9-storey blocks own a second countryside dwelling).

The results show that low-rise housing with personal plots of 600–800 sq. m does not cause the overall need for a second dwelling, and, thus, is the preferable variant in small and medium-sized cities by the criterion of nonrecurring and maintenance costs, as well as social outcomes in comparison with multi-storeyed blocks of flats, the tenants of which tend to acquire a second dwelling in the countryside.

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Ziyatdinov Z.Z. JUSTIFICATION OF TYPES AND HEIGHT OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN SMALL CITIES TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE SECOND DWELLING [Online] //Architecton: Proceedings of Higher Education. – 2013. – №2(42). – URL: http://archvuz.ru/en/2013_2/18 

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